My little one and I are hoping for snow this winter so that we can go sledding, drink hot chocolate, and of course – build a snowman! In the meantime, we made these Sponge Print Snowmen (and Snowcats!) to help us get ready for a snow day that we hope is on its way soon!


  • Colored construction paper
  • Sponges
  • White paint
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Crayons


  1. Cut the sponges into different sized circles (small, medium, and large) and/or whatever shapes your kiddo requests (mine asked for a “cat head” hehe).

2. Press one side of a sponge shape in white paint – make sure it is fully covered!

3. Then, press the white side onto a piece of construction paper. Darker colored paper works better for this project.

4. Let the paint dry. Drink some hot chocolate and do a funny dance while you’re waiting.

5. Once the paint is try, cut out paper scraps and use crayons to decorate your snowman (or snowcat).

6. Hang them up for all to see, or give them as cards to family and friends!

I think this one is my favorite.

Those mittens!

I named him Stewart, the Snowman.

We hope you enjoy making these with your kiddos & students! As always, feel free to tag me on Instagram and share you and your kids’ artwork! Happy crafting and music-making!
