Last Wednesday was National S’mores Day and of course we had to celebrate by making a s’mores craft! Not only did we use this craft to review a few shapes, we made them into cards that we could send to hopefully brighten (or sweeten?) someone’s day!


  • Paper (white, tan, brown, and any color for the background)
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  1. Trace or draw 2 trapezoids on the tan paper, a thin rectangle on the brown paper, and an oval on the white paper.
  2. Cut them out and set them aside.

3. Fold another piece of paper in half for the card.

4. Assemble your “s’more” on the front of the card. Glue down your ingredients in a stack: trapezoid (cracker), rectangle (chocolate), oval (marshmallow), trapezoid (cracker)! Do not attempt to eat it. It won’t taste very good.

5. Decorate your s’mores and cards however you want! Feel free to add funny sayings like:

I love you more than s’mores!

I hope this year brings you s’more happy memories!

Sending you s’more get well wishes your way!

My life has been s’more joyful since I’ve met you!

(I could go on, but I’ll stop here. The cornier the better, right?)

6. Give your card to someone who could use a smile 🙂

We hope you have fun making these and we hope that whoever you give your cards to will enjoy them too 🙂 Stay tuned for a fun song about – you guessed it – s’mores!

Happy crafting and music-making!
