Plastic eggs are not just good for Easter egg hunts and DIY egg shakers – you can stuff them with things like pom-poms! Or better yet… pom-poms that LOOK like baby chicks! My daughter got such a kick out of these, and I hope your kiddos do too 🙂


  • Plastic eggs (we used large ones)
  • Yarn
  • Pom-poms (1 inch)
  • Googly eyes
  • Orange felt or paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue


  1. Have or help your child wrap yarn around their hand. Make sure the loops are intact but loose enough to slide off. We wrapped ours about 30-40 times around, but feel free to experiment with your yarn for the desired fullness of the pom-pom (why did I make that sound so formal 😂).

2. Carefully slide the loops off. Pinch the middle of the loops and tie it with another small piece of yarn. There will now be two sets of loops.

3. Cut both sets of loops. You should see the pom-pom start to take shape. Give the pom-pom a haircut as you see fit 😂 Fluff the ends out.

4. To make the head of the chick, glue 2 googly eyes and a small orange triangle, either from felt or paper, to a 1 inch pom-pom.
5. Flatten to the top of the yarn pom-pom and squeeze a good amount of glue in the middle. Press the chick’s head on top.

6. Once the chicks are dry, put them inside the plastic eggs. They are no ready to ”hatch” and be played with! 🐣

The day after we made the ones shown in the picture, my daughter wanted to make more to match the colors of other eggs that we had, so now we have a full rainbow set of these chicks!

As always, if you end up making these, feel free to tag me on Instagram! I’d love to see what you and your kiddos create!

Happy crafting and music making!
